Get Lanny on Leno!

2 Responses

  1. lanny says:

    see now this is why i always wanted you to be on my staff and why i think there is a possibility that you are my son. you are the only one who has the creative ability (aside from my pet platypus who has a prosthetic hand) who can write like that. and i don’t mean the scratches you make with those crayons. it’s the content. the flow of streaming content that filters through the cerebral cortex and gets captured by the proteins affixed to the hypothalamus and then pushed on through the system to created new neural nets. that is what i am talking about. some people just write words. you create new neural nets. im proud of you son.

  1. October 9, 2009

    […] Get Lanny on Leno! « Connective Tissue – view page – cached Posted by Danny under General Ranting, Outta Here, Purely Personal Leave a Comment — From the page […]

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