Monthly Archive: September 2012

Target or Mindset?

I just wrapped up a phone call with an old friend who is a pastor in another state. He’s serving at a new church, maneuvering new challenges, and trying to figure out the age-old question...

Stories From The Tank

Stories From The Tank

‘Twas an incredible weekend around the Summit Church. Hundreds of people celebrated baptism, signifying their new life in Christ. Here at the Brier Creek campus, we saw 99 people baptized over the course of six...

The Eyes Have It

The Eyes Have It

On Saturday, I snapped this picture of my little girl and posted it on the Twitter. (You should probably follow me over there since I’m always launching hurricanes of cuteness like this.) It was a...

Flashback Friday: Be. Aggressive. Be, Be Aggressive

Flashback Friday: Be. Aggressive. Be, Be Aggressive

It’s Friday. My proverbial feet are up. I’m pondering deeper issues of the universe like “How has Nickelback sold that many albums?” and “Why do I have proverbial feet?” Anyway, here’s a clip from the...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

Here’s the goodies I’ve been reading / watching this past week. Enjoy. Controlling Your Home with the Touch of an iPad. Good googly moogly, this is cool. The technology works remotely from anywhere in the world....

Turn Your Leaders Loose

One of my First Impressions shift leaders snapped this picture on Sunday and sent it to me. He was impressed. I was beyond impressed. I think you will be too: This is a diagram that...

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