Announcing the Summit’s “Fundamentalist-in-Residence” Program

7 Responses

  1. Rick Pearson says:

    Nice one Danny!! Loved it..

  2. Phil says:

    Awesome. Another Masterpiece.

  3. Stacey says:

    I wouldn’t let myself come to your site until I was pleased with my overall productivity for the day. You did not disappoint!!!

    “…and on Super Bowl Sunday, he’ll be extra hard to satisy.” #classic

  4. Eric says:

    Signed me and the rest of my crew up from West Franklin. I knew this opportunity would come. Time to write home. Mom will be so proud.

  5. Connie says:

    Steve has been telling me I need to get a job. Maybe with my vast organ-playing experience and advancing age, I would be a good candidate for this. Would you be willing to pay for my travel expenses? 🙂

  1. April 2, 2015

    […] Announcing the Summit's "Fundamentalist-in-Residence" Program […]

  2. April 5, 2016

    […] 2015 – Announcing the Summit’s “Fundamentalist-in-Residence” Program […]

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