“The Church is the Only Place Where I Get a Hug”

2 Responses

  1. Carlin says:

    While I too don’t advocate hugging everyone who walks through the door, the MAIN REASON I started attending the church I am currently serving as Kids Director is because a pastor stood at the back of the auditorium every week for my first two months and gave me a gigantic “we care about you, sweetie” hug on the way out each week. Yup. Not the music, not the sermons – the hug was what made me stay. I was 21, had just moved to a new state, lived alone, had NO family around, and was starting a new, very stressful, job. I rarely conversed with anyone else when I came in on a Sunday morning. But I looked forward to that hug each Sunday. I could have easily gotten lost in 1500 people, but in that moment, I knew I was valued and loved. You’re right, you have to read people – but I’m sure glad Pastor E. saw the lonely girl walking out each Sunday and gave her the encouragement she needed.

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