Make It Invisible

3 Responses

  1. Lauren D says:

    I hope this doesn’t sound too fake, but I’ve learned to put on my “church smile” when I go into Kidslife. So even if I’m having a rough morning, I still put on my church smile. And then after a few minutes, I usually forget whatever was bugging me and I start enjoying being around the kids and the smile isn’t fake anymore.

  2. Aaron Tant says:

    I do the same thing as Lauren. I can’t recall the amount drama that follows my life (whether intentionally, or otherwise), but, particularly in a leadership position, slapping on the awesome smile and making sure everyone feels at home is priority one. Behind closed doors is an entirely different issue.
    * Personal note: I do find it more draining to have to put on the church face when personal life is in the pits. But, Franks/Michelli is right

  1. February 13, 2015

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