Biblical Productivity

1 Response

  1. Robyn Eason says:

    Maybe a change in perspective could help you deal with your soreness from Mr. Mahaney. Consider this truth from Psalms, “Faithful are the wounds of a friend.” I am very busy too, and sometimes wonder what it is that occupies my days as I rush around and wonder if any of it has any lasting value. When the dust settles, the truth is that every thing we do, with the right heart attitude, is ministry. From where I sit, my friend, you and Merriem have your hearts geared toward serving the Lord. You lead well. You encouage well. You serve well. Your writings inspire and entertain. Your plate is indeed full. My best advise for you as you serve and work at this very busy time of the year at Summit, is a quote from Elisabeth Elliot when she was speaking on having a hectic schedule. She said, “Do the next thing.” As you lick your wounds from CJ and ponder the simplistic advise from Elisabeth, be encouraged: You are diligent. You are faithful. You are fruitful. Maybe the fanny whooping you got from CJ is actually a faithful wound that will work for your good.

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