Best Guest Story EVER?

9 Responses

  1. Elyssa says:

    Thanks for sharing, Danny! It’s great to know that that isn’t just a story, but the truth! I love our church members. 🙂

  2. Lauren Dyson says:


  3. WOW. Yes, that IS the best first time guest story I’ve ever heard. I don’t think I would have have asked – or even thought- to have the wal-mart employees make an announcement to the whole store. What a great way to get our church’s name out there!

    On another note, I very much appreciate this special Sunday edition. I was going to welcome you back from vacation and ask you about the blog but just forgot. So thanks for reading my mind!

  4. Now THAT’s customer service.

  5. Veronica Greear says:

    i guess you think the sunday blog makes up for the lack of posts. it would have until the jab at staff spouses. for your information i was EARLY for the ELEVEN O’CLOCK service.

  6. Hey! My new neighbors (new to seminary housing) visited the Summit a week ago (not sure which campus) and their car broke down in the parking lot. A Summit member not only helped them by calling AAA and towing the car, but let my neighbors borrow a car for the week! That’s a great first-time visiting story too!

    • Danny says:

      AGREED, Rebekah! Can you find out some more details for me? I’d like to recognize the Summit folks that made that “wow!” experience happen!

  7. yo' sis says:

    That WAS a WOW experience! That’s better than a Walgreen’s WOW’ing!

  1. July 16, 2017

    […] Pick up the rest of this must-read story by clicking here. […]

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