Connections Confab Begins

Last Thursday was one for the books.
It was a culmination of several years of dreaming and several months of intense planning. Over a dozen guest service practitioners from Texas, Virginia, and North Carolina came together for the first of four on-site conversations to take our ministries further down the road. We called it Connections Confab, which is a fancy name that you should totally feel free to make fun of, but it means an informal, private discussion.
Traditional churches and contemporary churches, 174 year old churches and churches that haven’t yet launched, 7,000 member churches and 50 member churches, and full-time, part-time, and intern staff gathered around the table for a full day’s worth of conversations.
Man, what fun. They came hungry, ready to discuss, ready to push back, ready to encourage and challenge and provoke…it was incredible to watch. We’ll gather again in March, May, and June for more conversation, more learning, and more collaboration, and I’m excited for what’s ahead.
I’m also excited about future iterations of the Confab. We’re already making plans for another group that’ll start this fall or next spring. If you’d like to be the first to know about it, tell me. I’ll be in touch!
(photo credit: David Talbert)