Together For Adoption 2015

Next month the church where I serve (The Summit Church) will be hosting Together for Adoption 2015: a like-minded gathering of people with a heart for orphans and an eye towards the fatherless. T4A’s impact in the world of orphan care is incalculable. Their conferences, resources, and networking have provided a safe step forward for thousands of families who are considering adoption.
So who is T4A for? Not just families who have adopted or are thinking about it, that’s for sure. If you have friends who are working through the process…if you’re the parent of adult children who have concocted a crazy idea that they might like to explore adoption…if you’re a church leader who isn’t quite sure how to shepherd your people through this roller coaster journey…T4A is exactly what you need.
Conference speakers include Tony Merida, Angela Tucker, Rick Morton, Susan Heath Hays, J.D. Greear, and Brandon Hatmaker (who I will be avoiding so he doesn’t punch my lights out over this post I wrote about his wife). Workshops, exhibits, breakout sessions, and offline conversations will combine to help you see that orphan care doesn’t have to be complex. Simple solutions are closer than you think.
The three day conference is coming November 5-7 to the Summit’s Brier Creek Campus. The cost is $99, but you can take advantage of a substantial discount by serving.
- Our First Impressions Team will be setting the environment for the conference. From the street to the seat, we’ll be making sure attendees are well cared for. If you serve three shifts on First Impressions (with plenty of downtime to catch the conference) you’ll receive a $30 discount off of your fee.
- Our Childcare Team will allow moms and dads the opportunity to get fully immersed in the sessions. Serve two shifts in Childcare and you’re entitled to a complementary conference registration.
Want to know more? Check out the links below: