Category: Staff Stuff

The Power of Follow Up

The Power of Follow Up

Yesterday I had two great conversations with a couple of people about their journey to involvement at the Summit.  It’s conversations like that on a week like this that give clarity and energy to what...

Take a Breath

Take a Breath

It was a huge day at Brier Creek AM on Sunday.  103 first time guests (and their families) showed up.  (If you follow the tweets, I know I said it was 99…4 more surfaced this...

A Time To Retreat

A Time To Retreat

We’re smack in the middle of Staff Retreat ’09, and unlike some of my pastor friends at other churches, we do call it “Staff Retreat” and not “Staff Advance.”  We’re getting the heck away from...

Jack, Jacob, and Me

Jack, Jacob, and Me

Last Thursday night I hit a new level with my 13 year old.  Jacob and I went out for dessert and discussion on Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis (nicknamed “Jack” if you’re still trying to...

Reasons I Like My Job, #541:

Reasons I Like My Job, #541:

If you weren’t in Sunday’s worship service at Brier Creek, the following won’t make much sense to you.  Sorry…come back tomorrow. Tuesday morning I discovered that I was responsible for David Thompson nearly having heart...

Every Day is Sunday Morning

Every Day is Sunday Morning

Today we continue Audience Participation Week.  My independent committee has made their final selection, and they’ve chosen submissions by Doug Garris, Spence Shelton, Veronica Greear, and Kiani Arkus.  Yes, Veronica is our lead pastor’s wife,...

Stories From The Tank

Stories From The Tank

On Sunday we baptized 121 people at the Summit.  It was a very, very cool day, but days like that always bring questions… Why did you do it that way? Is that even biblical? Seriously?...

The Baptism Report

The Baptism Report

I’ve had my snarky friends remind me for the past 24 hours that I am a blogger in a Twitter world and that my tardiness in passing along numbers is a reflection of my real-time...

Three Pointers and a Poem*

Three Pointers and a Poem*

Here’s the dealio: the Summit’s own J.D. Greear has found his way to the Southern Baptist Convention version of March Madness.  Right now he’s the #2 guy in the East Division, and all the Summit...

Bats in the Belfry

Bats in the Belfry

Regular blog readers know (as opposed to the irregular ones) that I occasionally like to mix it up with a few personal stories.  Okay, a lot of personal stories. But life has been a bit...