Evil Picnickers Beware
Let me introduce you to Jase. He’s an army ant. You can tell he’s an army ant because he’s wearing a camouflage shirt a plastic helmet that’s approximately 1/16th of an inch thick and can...
Let me introduce you to Jase. He’s an army ant. You can tell he’s an army ant because he’s wearing a camouflage shirt a plastic helmet that’s approximately 1/16th of an inch thick and can...
I’ve been with a lot of hurting people this week. Failed marriages, derailed relationships, deeply-entrenched sin, broken dreams, disturbing doctor’s reports, addictions that seemingly can’t be kicked. There’s one thing that serves as a common...
Okay gang, you’ve been quiet as of late. Maybe 121 baptisms don’t excite you the way they excite me. Maybe you don’t think a prayer cross is funny. Maybe pictures of ducks don’t elicit the...
On Sunday we baptized 121 people at the Summit. It was a very, very cool day, but days like that always bring questions… Why did you do it that way? Is that even biblical? Seriously?...
I’ve had my snarky friends remind me for the past 24 hours that I am a blogger in a Twitter world and that my tardiness in passing along numbers is a reflection of my real-time...
I saw this ad on TV the other night and I have six words for you: 163 shopping days until my birthday. Somebody’s gotta get me one of these. Favorite moments: :26 – the little...
Anybody else have that cheer at your high school? That might have been my second-to-least favorite cheer that our cheerleading squad had, coming in only after “It’s hot, it’s hot, it’s hot in here…there must...
Your Why matters. You have to know it, your team has to know it, and you have to know that your team knows it. Here’s why you have to continuously repeat the Why… The Why...
Last Wednesday I watched in fascination as millions of Americans took to the streets to participate in “tea parties” – their official stamp of disapproval on paying taxes. I realized that if this pastor gig...
When I arrived at the office this morning, this guy* and one of his friends were waiting on me. I know it’s dreary and rainy and somebody out there is making cracks about building a...