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The Blogosphere, She is Crowded

The Blogosphere, She is Crowded

My heart is filled with proverbial singing today as I officially introduce you to two new Summit blogs.  These are no ordinary blogs. These are “campus blogs.”  Yet even as the words are typed onto...

My Fellow Americans…

My Fellow Americans…

Anyone who reads this blog knows I have no problem using my spiritual gift of sarcasm to get the point across.  I thought about using today’s bully pulpit as an opportunity to do some bi-partisan...


It’s baaaa-aaaack. The day is here.  You know the one: it’s the day that has caused friction in Christian circles for nigh unto forever.  The day that stirs debate much like a wooo-hooo-ooo-witchy woman stirring up...

Story Behind the Stories: Fun Stuff

Story Behind the Stories: Fun Stuff

If you’re just tuning in, Sunday was a day for the history books at the Summit Church.  We saw 140 people get baptized among our seven services.  You can read more about that incredible event here,...

Story Behind the Stories: Heroes

Story Behind the Stories: Heroes

If you’re just tuning in, Sunday was a day for the history books at the Summit Church.  We saw 140 people get baptized among our seven services.  You can read more about that incredible event here,...

Story Behind the Stories: Is It Wise?

Story Behind the Stories: Is It Wise?

If you’re just tuning in, Sunday was a day for the history books at the Summit Church.  We saw 140 people get baptized among our seven services.  You can read more about that incredible event here,...

Here is Water…

Awesome. That’s really the only word that can describe this past Sunday at the Summit.  Not “awesome” as in the 80’s valley girl / surfer dude usage of the word, but “awesome” as only God...

Fried Cheese, How I Love Thee

For both of my outside-of-North-Carolina readers, this is the time of the year when the Triangle is taken over by emu burgers and Tilt-a-Pukes.  That’s right, I’m talking about the State Fair. You should know...

The Sound Booth Stare

The Sound Booth Stare

I’m pretty sure there’s an unwritten rule of blogging somewhere that says, “Never call attention to your absence.”  For example, if a certain blogger had been non-productive in the blogosphere since, oh, say… October 9th,...

Political Ponderings

Political Ponderings

I’m working on a thought. Usually, when I say that, it means “I haven’t really thought this through, and if I were to take it to it’s logical conclusion I’d probably feel pretty foolish for...