Thursday Three For All: Easter Evangelism, Spiritual Reasons to Control Your Calendar, and Monty Python Reimagined

It’s Thursday, kiddies: the day when I roll out a few things I’ve been reading over the past week. Three of ‘em, to be exact. Enjoy. (Remember: click on the big bold print to read the entire article.)
Easter is for Evangelism
(via @jdgreear) As of the day this posts, Easter weekend is just over a week away. My pastor delivers up a collection of archived posts that remind us Easter is a go and tell event.
Sometimes there is a wide open door, other times not. But that should not stop us from instigating the conversation. Honestly, only about one in every five of my attempts to have a spiritual conversation turns out well. But just because it turns out poorly does not mean that God is not in it. Stephen witnessed to Paul and was stoned, but that was definitely Spirit-filled evangelism!
I have heard that the average person has to hear the gospel 12 times before they believe. We may get the joy of being that 12th person, or we may be one link in the chain. But the Spirit has a role for us.
3 Spiritual Reasons You Should Take Control of Your Calendar
(via @_michaelkelley) Productivity is a recurring theme around here. But what if there’s more to getting things done than just getting things done?
When we think about stewardship, we think primarily about money. That’s a good and right thing; Jesus certainly taught us about about personal finance, setting up money the primary competitor to God in our lives (Matt. 6:24). At the same time, stewardship is not exclusively about money. Instead, it’s a holistic view of God as the owner, and we as His servants who have been entrusted with all kinds of resources, each of which provides an opportunity for the sake of the kingdom of God. Time is one of those resources.
Like money, we have been invested with a certain amount of time. Further, we don’t know how much time we have because it could be over tomorrow. In the meantime, though, we should take an active role in managing our calendars not only so that we can have time to make every appointment and meet every deadline, but because we are stewards of this resource and are responsible for using it in non-wasteful ways. Perhaps this is at least part of what it means when we ask the Lord to “Teach us to number our days carefully so that we may develop wisdom in our hearts” (Psalm 90:12).
Monty Python and The Holy Grail Brilliantly Reimagined as a Period Action Drama
(via @laughingsquid) On the one hand, how dare you sully one of the greatest films of all time. On the other hand (now on the ground, ’tis only a flesh wound), why haven’t we thought of this sooner?
photo credit: Jason Mathis