My Life in Pictures

This was my view this time last week. Nothing but my ten hideous toes and the vast expanse of my in-laws’ pool.

This is my view this morning.  A few hundred info cards from Sunday’s services, which have to be sorted (did that yesterday…note the neat OCD stacks), copied, distributed, and followed up on by our pastoral staff and ministry leaders.

Ugly toes.  Stacks of info cards.  Last week, pool.  This week, paperwork.  You can appreciate my struggle.

2 Responses

  1. amanda says:

    sorry for all of the paperwork on your end…. is this when I tell you that I am at the beach… .I know you hate the beach – but at least you are at work while I am playing… I know you are not envious of the Subletts at all…

  2. Shannon says:

    Very Shannonesque. Nice.

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