One Recap

One is done.
I survived Swedish meatballs, a very thin mattress, and being the umpire in a kickball tourney. I made it through high wind, deep puddles, and seventh grade boys who smell like beef stew. And at the end of it all, I had a great time.
One of the first things I forgot about student ministry was one of the things I loved the most: watching leaders build deep relationships with the kids in their group. When I was a student pastor, I knew that “my” ministry would only grow as deep as the variety of leaders I had on my team. I was never great at reaching the jocks, the cheerleaders, or the math kids…but my leaders were.
After spending a few days with the Summit’s StudentLIFE leaders, there’s nothing I’d rather do than brag on their mad skills. These people love their kids. They pour heart and soul and boundless energy into them. They are passionate about developing Christ followers.
There’s no way that I could highlight the nearly 30 leaders at One, in addition to the many more that serve from week to week. But I need to recognize just a few of the heroes I was able to serve alongside this weekend…
- Ashley B and Kristen have more energy than any two women should have without the assistance of illegal narcotics…and they invest it all in their girls.
- Garrett left a newborn at home and took off on his fourth consecutive fall retreat…he outlasts the history of most of our paid staff.
- Ashley V gave not only heart and soul, but nose and knee to the cause.
- Steven and Brent are a couple of our own Summit kids who are all grown up and taking on a role as leader.
- Mark and April and Doug and Diane have been at the Summit all of about 27 minutes, but that didn’t keep them from jumping into One with both feet.
And of course, One couldn’t have happened without the bottomless enthusiasm of the amazingly talented StudentLIFE staff that pulled everything together and executed it flawlessly…Jason, Shannon, Josh M, Josh L, Marcus, Brandon…and even Ryan, who set into motion a nefarious plan nine months ago so he and Morgan could have a kid just hours before we departed. I hope you enjoyed your time with your new son, pal. Before you can turn around, he’ll smell just like beef stew
As for Samuel, I am guessing that beef stew might smell slightly better than the spit-up-shuffle…. heehee – of course I am sure he smells more like his mama than his smelly daddy right now!
Glad you had a good time – we have great leaders and teachers – we should shout it from the roof tops! Ryan is such a blessing to CMR, and his team is great!
Thin mattress? I would contact a CWR board member about that if I were you…
Great job everyone!
Amen. You don’t know how many times I almost flashed the DaveSignal. I knew I had friends in high places.