Pure Passion

If you’re a praying kind of folk, you can pray for me on Saturday as I get together with seven engaged couples who are going through our Engaged Discovery Weekend. I’ll be speaking on the topic of intimacy in marriage (translated: sex) and would love your prayers.
That’s the graphic up above for the notebook. Anytime you have a notebook and a graphic, it automatically makes what you’re going to say about 245% better. (Too bad I don’t have a multi-media presentation, or it would be in the 400% better range. Perhaps I can write a song by tomorrow.) But I digress…
Keeping yourself pure in our sex-saturated society is difficult, even when you’re an engaged couple who desires a godly marriage.
Especially when you’re an engaged couple who desires a godly marriage.
Pray that they’ll remain strong, whether their wedding date is in April or October. Pray that they’ll sacrifice the good now for the best later. Pray that they’ll remember that their future marriage needs their protection now.
Engaged? Seriously dating? Check out our next Engaged Discovery Weekend.