Tell the Why

Your Why matters. You have to know it, your team has to know it, and you have to know that your team knows it.

Here’s why you have to continuously repeat the Why…

  • The Why gives credence to the What. Without the Why, nobody really cares about the What. They’ll fudge on the What. They’ll cut corners on the What. They’ll get so caught up in the What that they start doing things that the What never intended.
  • The Why reminds people the reason they serve. The reason they give.  The reason they roll out of bed early on a Sunday morning.
  • Without the Why, people drift. Visions fade. Tensions rise.
  • A constant infusion of the Why almost guarantees that your organization’s DNA remains strong, that your people remain on board, and that your mission remains uncompromised.

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1 Response

  1. ciscotrainer says:

    I love this post and it can relate to so many areas of life. I think my boss would benefit from this post 🙂

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