The Reveal

I know that many of you have been waiting with baited breath (mmm…smells like mackerel) to see what the big announcement is that was mentioned earlier this week.  Well friends, wonder no more.  Here it is…

[drum roll, please]

I’m pregnant.

No, actually, that’s totally not true.  And neither is Merriem.  But there is a birthing happening at this very moment at this link.  That’s right, Brier Creek AM peeps, we have a new Campus Blog just for us!  (Shhhh…don’t tell anyone.)

As you’ll see when you visit (mouthful!), the site is experiencing a soft launch today.  We’ll be adding content, photos, news, and other goodies over the next few weeks, so stick around.  Meanwhile, tell your other AM friends, but not those Cole Millers, because we’re planning a top secret water balloon attack on those guys this Sunday.

Perhaps you’re wondering what this means for your daily dose of Connective Tissue.  Well friends, CT will continue as normal.  Sure, there may be an occasional drop off in daily posts, but there’ll still be new content up several times a week.  I’m just asking that you don’t abandon me to the other me.  Even though I have multiple blogging personalities, the mothership blog will still get her feelings hurt.

Okay, go check it out.  Fresh stuff here tomorrow.

2 Responses

  1. Reveals are supposed to involve climatic new info, not just a blank web page with a cool flash banner.
    Otherwise cool post.

  2. Jeremy says:

    I’m still in disbelief that Rick Langston has created a blog.

Start the conversation.