Been There, Done That, Now…

…get the t-shirt!

As a former student pastor, I am the proud owner of no fewer than 718 t-shirts.  Each one has a proud history, from summer camps to mission trips to annual themes to even – I kid you not – t-shirts that were made up to look like gas station uniforms (complete with name patch) …just because we could.

I am a huge fan of the t-shirt, much to the chagrin of people who feel that they are inappropriate attire for the office, for evening wear, and for the occasional funeral.

Nonetheless, we are giving away mountains of t-shirts to random folk who go online and vote for one of five new designs.  You can do that now through Sunday, so go on and get your clicking finger loosened up and cast your vote for your fave.

I’m secretly hoping for a five-way tie, because I’d really like to bump my total collection up to 723.  And I probably have an upcoming funeral, so I need fresh digs.

2 Responses

  1. Rob Taylor says:

    Have you got a pic of the gas station tee? That might make a sweet Major Panes uniform shirt.

    • Danny says:

      Hmmm…nothing digital, Rob, because those were shirts from the late 90’s. But I might be able to dig up a copy of an old camp photo or something. Let me look!

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