Make Room, Blogosphere

Last week you might have felt a little colliding o’ the universes, as the Summit launched yet another blog (our motto: “1000 churches in 40 years x 37.5 blogs per church = not nearly enough cyberinfo”).

But really, I’m excited about the new EQUIP blog.  It’s a project that Small Groups Pastor Spence Shelton has spearheaded in an effort to build incarnational ministry into the life of Summit folk.  It will soon be a go-to resource for matters of theology, doctrine, and practice within the church.  (You might even see a post or two by yours truly where I finally get to use the word “metanarrative” in a sentence.  I’m one happy camper.)

EQUIP will have multiple contributors…staff, volunteers, and the Summit’s brightest minds.  Head on over there and check it out.  And while you’re there, tell Spence that “General Editor” is a dang lofty title.  He’ll like that.

Start the conversation.