Sermon Remix

Sunday was a fun day, getting to speak to my favorite group of people on earth* – the peeps at Brier Creek AM.  If you’re interested, you can download the full transcript and listen to the message here. (If it’s not up just yet, give it time…it’s Memorial Day, after all, and our media guy owns a sword.)

Some of you asked about the three passages I mentioned that you can use to pray through in times of difficulty…here they are:

  • When you can’t get past your past: Psalm 51
  • When you think God has forgotten you: Lamentations 3
  • When you’ve forgotten who you are in Christ: Ephesians 2

These are just a few…I suggest recording scriptures as you find them so that you can pray them as needed.

Also, this made it in the bullpen for Sunday’s message, but I found it incredibly helpful.  Check out “Praying Beyond the Sick List” by David Powlison.

*with the possible exception of Starbucks baristas.

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  1. I really like your sermon on Sunday. You should stage coup more often and send JD out of town.

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