
If you’re a Summit peep, you know that this week is ServeRDU, one of the biggest focal points of the year for community outreach.  Yesterday, I worked as a “ground roofer” at the Durham Rescue Mission, helping de-shingle one of their houses, because de-shingling happens to be one of my spiritual gifts.

About an hour into the job, one of the DRM guys moved the old shingle truck up a few feet to let the new shingle truck come in.  (Cue Brian Regan log truck routine here.)  After he got out, the truck…well, let’s just say the truck wasn’t quite ready to be stop.  Here’s how that went down…

First, it rolled through some new landscaping…

Then, across a (thankfully deserted) parking lot, taking out a six inch concrete pole…

Then, through a brand new dumpster fence, finally crashing into the dumpster itself…

So all in all, it was a big day for ServeRDU.  Next week, we’re going to host another project called FixRDU.

3 Responses

  1. Cathy says:

    Sometimes that little mean streak in you pops out, but I laughed anyway. Mine was showing too. It is a good thing Chris is gone!!!

  1. July 20, 2012

    […] no way to set it up, and no way to describe it in words. Just trust me: click here. Share this:TwitterEmailPrintLike this:LikeBe the first to like this. […]

  2. October 3, 2014

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