Step Up

At first glance, you might think this post is referring to the runaway hit dance movies that have made it to the big screen over the past few years.  I’m talking, of course, about Step Up, Step Up 2: The Streets, and the more recent Step Up 3D, which at my wife’s hometown movie theater consisted of a movie poster with a piece of paper over the “D” and this handwritten note: “This film is not showing in 3D here.”  Honestly, they wouldn’t know 3D if it jumped off of the screen at ’em.

Editor’s note: Wait. What?

But I’m not talking about those dance movies, nor any dance movies.  I swore off of dance movies back when they tried to put Baby in a corner.

[single tear]

But I digress.  The step up I’m referring to is the fact that we’re prepping for Frontline on September 11th, and many of you who call Summit home need to step up and serve.  We’re featuring four ministries on that day: First Impressions, Summit Kids, Production (cameras, sound, lights), and Worship (band & choir).

Maybe you’re brand new at the Summit and want to get involved.  Maybe you’ve been sitting on the sidelines for a while and want to make a bigger impact than the indention on your chair.  Maybe you want to find out more about what these ministry teams are all about.

Either way, Frontline is the place to go.  At Brier Creek, that’ll be happening on Saturday the 11th at 9:00 AM.  If you attend our Cole Mill or West Club campuses, sweet talk your campus pastor and he’ll give you those details.

Want to serve, but not in one of those four areas?  Email me.  I’ll connect you, help you find a job, and help you uncover your passion.

Because nobody should put you in the corner.

Start the conversation.