They Get It

It happened again on Sunday. I met another Summit family who have whole-heartedly bought into the vision of why we do what we do. I was visiting our new North Durham Campus at Hillandale Elementary School, and in the clean-up-and-tear-down party afterward, my fellow desk mover told me her story:

Her: My husband and I were driving to the Brier Creek Campus from Butner. We loved the service, we loved the energy, we loved the people. But one Sunday the auditorium was full and the Bay was full. So I said, “Why are we driving past one campus to get to another? We can give up our seats and make room for other people!”

Me: So how long have you been at this campus? You must have been coming here prior to the move to the new location, right?

Her: Nope, this is our second Sunday. I figure, why not help out? I’m not too good to help out!

Unbelievable. It was their second Sunday at their particular campus, and Mark and Janet are already breaking down rocking chairs and folding up pack-n-plays and scooting desks back around a room…desks that have used chewing gum and fossilized boogers and who knows what else just waiting to jump on you…and they view it as a tangible way they can serve the body.

I saw it a couple of weeks ago when one of our deacons – a good friend who works in Summit Kids – decided that he and his family were going to make the switch to another campus because it gave them greater leverage to invite their neighbors.

I’m seeing it today as another staff desk sits empty because one of our own is helping to plant a new church in Denver. Our people are saying goodbye to life in Durham so people in Denver can say hello to the gospel.

Everywhere I look, I see people who are sacrificing comfort for the sake of the gospel. They get it. They understand that it’s not about what we want or what feels good or what makes sense…it’s about carrying the Kingdom forward.

What about you? Where are some areas where you’ve seen people get it? Spread some good news; comment below…

3 Responses

  1. April says:

    Great post..God is definitely speaking to me and my family…love this paragraph on the blog!
    “Everywhere I look, I see people who are sacrificing comfort for the sake of the gospel. They get it. They understand that it’s not about what we want or what feels good or what makes sense…it’s about carrying the Kingdom forward.”

  1. March 1, 2013

    […] Read the entire post. […]

  2. June 27, 2017

    […] Here’s my point (yes, I have one). I fear that the same thing happens in our church every single weekend. There are people who are inches away from the epicenter of the movement, but they never get swept up in it. I’m talking about those who are simple spectators but not participants. Those who take a seat but never take an opportunity to serve. […]

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