Big Service. No Bull.

What am I amped about lately? This. One HUGE service that the Summit is hosting at the Durham Bulls Athletic Park. This is a rare time in the history of the Summit where all of our peeps will be together for one service. It’ll be like none other.

(Well, you know. Until sometime in the future when we do it again. Then it’ll be like some other. But for now…)

As you can imagine, a service at a ballpark will be a bit…different. All-star worship band? We’ll have it. Bunch o’ baptisms on the baseline? Yep. Childcare in the VIP suites? Certainly. Wool E. Bull making a cameo appearance with his go cart and hot dog gun, firing J.D. Greear’s giggling offspring into the crowd?

Well…you’ll just have to show up to find out.

So how do you step up to the plate? How do you make sure this service is a home run? How do you make sure all your bases are covered? And most importantly, how do you stop the baseball-related puns?!? Here’s how:

  • Invite like crazy. We’re designing this experience for non-churched people. The environment will be electric, the gospel will be clearly shared, and people will have a chance to respond in baptism. Grab a stack of inviter cards this weekend and pass those suckers out.
  • Pray like crazy. This is a huge deal with hundreds of details and lots to accomplish. Pray for the leaders of the event as we come down to the last few weeks.
  • Serve like crazy. We need an army of volunteers to pull this off: folks to set up & tear down, folks to greet guests, folks to counsel baptismal candidates, folks to help with seating…you name it, we need it. See a list of all the teams and sign up here.
More news will be coming in the days ahead. Keep up with it all at

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