The Ministry of Chilling Out

We’re too doggone busy.

We max out our schedules, stay too long at the office, try to cram too much in our off hours, and microwave our pop tarts.

But nowhere do we exemplify “busy” more than at church. Specifically, the Summit Church. Specifically, the Brier Creek Campus of the Summit Church.

Every Sunday, we tend to get there late and rush out immediately after. We want to beat the traffic, beat the Methodists to Bojangles, beat the childcare workers who sugared our kids up on Cocoa Puffs and now they’re climbing the walls instead of taking a nap. (The children. Not the childcare workers.)

Something tells me that’s not the way church is supposed to be. And this weekend, we’d like to introduce you to the antidote.

It’s called Church at the Ballpark, and it’s a rare opportunity for you to practice the spiritual discipline of relaxing. All five of our campuses will come together for a great worship service, and we’ll have plenty of margin before and after to do a whole lot of nothing.

If you’re thinking about arriving in time for the service, don’t. If you’re thinking about heading out immediately after, don’t. Plan to get there early (9:30 at the latest) and hang out afterward (we’ll have cotton candy). Meet some old friends. Make some new ones. Clear your calendar and enjoy your Sabbath.

I’m excited about the worship service, but I’m almost more excited about the opportunity to see the church be the church to one another. I hope to see you there!

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