Flashback Friday: How Did You Get Here?

This week we’ve been talking about the Summit’s 10th and 50th year anniversary here on the blog. During times with our staff team this week, there have been lots of “how did you get here?” questions. We have people who came to our staff as college students, as seminary students, as interns who are now executive pastors, as transfers from another church staff, or as refugees from corporate America.

Here’s my “how did you get here?” story…

…this was where the rubber met the road.  Initial conversations & interviews with Rick and J.D. centered around the idea that this would be a one-year commitment.  I was in my last year of seminary, and I had plans of heading back to Tennessee after graduation.  As the conversations progressed, it became incredibly evident that this would not be a one-year gig.  This would be something to build, to invest in, and to commit to.

In the words of the late, great Paul Harvey, click here for the rest of the story.

Start the conversation.