Flashback Friday: The View From The Passenger’s Seat

Today is the day. Our lives have changed forever. We are officially old.

Our firstborn is sixteen.

While it will be a few more days until Jacob gets the coveted piece of plastic that will declare vehicular freedom (and outrageous insurance premiums), I thought this flashback post from when he got his learner’s permit would be appropriate.

Happy birthday, Jacob! I’m going to give your mama her antidepressants now.

Dads, you should practice the key toss. You know the one I’m talking about: The “We-Just-Walked-Out-Of-The-DMV, I’m-The-Casual-And-Cool-Dad, and Here-You-Go-Son-You-Drive-Us-Home-Because-I-Have-Confidence-You-Won’t-Kill-Us-Today” key toss. I had one chance to get it right, and by golly it was a Kodak moment. I threw well, he caught well, and it’ll remain etched in my memory forever.

Read the entire post here.

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  1. Mark McDougald says:

    Danny, I remember those days well. I will say that the Lord does give sufficient grace during these days; but our prayer life certainly increased when our children began to drive…

  2. I feel you’re taking a glass half empty kind of approach in regards to your age. Sure, your oldest is 16, but your youngest is 1, which makes y’all officially young too. Let’s try to see the positive. And, happy birthday Jacob!

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