Thursday Three For All

The Quietest Place On Earth Will Drive You Insane Within 45 MinutesOkay. I don’t want to go insane. Can I stay in there for 44?

‘When it’s quiet, ears will adapt. The quieter the room, the more things you hear. You’ll hear your heart beating, sometimes you can hear your lungs, hear your stomach gurgling loudly. ‘In the anechoic chamber, you become the sound.’ And this is a very disorientating experience. [read more]

Ten Things You Can Learn From The Apple Store. More evidence that the product isn’t just about the product, it’s about the experience.

Hire for smiles. The soul of the Apple Store is in its people. They are hired, trained, motivated and taught to create magical and memorable moments for their customers. The Apple Store values a magnetic personality as much, if not more so, than technical proficiency. The Apple Store cares less about what you know than it cares about how much you love people. [read more]

Caine’s Arcade: Boy Creates Cardboard Wonder, And Grown Men CryIf you haven’t seen this viral video yet, I promise you this is the best 11 minutes you’ll spend on the interwebs today. Promise.

Since school started back up, Caine’s Arcade is only open on weekends, when Caine gets out his turquoise Caine’s Arcade T-shirt that he designed himself. It says “staff” on the front and “Caine’s Arcade” on the back.

Caine charges $1 for four turns at the arcade, but for $2 you can get a handmade fun pass that allows you 500 turns for one month.

When you win a game, Caine will climb inside the box and push tickets out a slot. The prizes include his old matchbox cars, silly sunglasses and bubbles. [read more]

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