Thursday Three For All

Not everybody’s workin’ for the weekend. Me? I’m workin’ for Thursday. That’s when I let other folks do the blogging for me. Here’s some of what I’ve been watching and who I’ve been learning from this week:

Jerusalem Filmed in IMAX 3D. I’d never heard of this film project before seeing this clip, but the preview is fascinating. Since I don’t work at one of those churches that sends you to the Holy Land on your nine and a half year anniversary, this’ll have to do for now.

This Is The Day = Giddy
 My dear friends Matt & Katie Pearson have been on a roller coaster adoption journey dotted by heartache, but one that is finally coming to a beautiful conclusion this week in Ethiopia. Read Matt’s entire series of posts, beginning here:

In about 2 hours we will eat lunch here at the Guest House and then travel to meet our little girl. It is hard to believe the day is finally here. Anticipation has built and built and built. It’s here. Today is the day. I will, God willing, get to embrace this little girl and begin a father-daughter relationship with her. [read more]

Matt & Emily: A Don’t Give Up Story
Some other great friends are – sadly – on the other side of the emotional spectrum. Just a few weeks ago they buried their newborn son Jacob. I have been humbled to watch them walk through this valley with their faith intact and their fingers still pointing others towards the resurrection. Their friends Ray & Kelly Siler captured the day of the memorial service in video and photos, and the Bennetts graciously gave me permission to share it with you. It’s a powerful symbol of Matt & Emily’s amazing faith in Jesus even through their loss.

Around nine months ago, while in Jordan, they found out Emily was pregnant with their first child, after six years of marriage. Over time, they learned their little miracle of a son had conditions making him “incompatible with life.” Advised to terminate the pregnancy, Matt and Emily chose instead to carry their son and allow room for a miracle. They started praying for one day with Jacob. On April 20, 2012 Jacob Bradley was born, silently, into this world. [read more / see the video]

2 Responses

  1. August 29, 2012

    […] families in our church. In some stories, God’s faithfulness was shown in the sparing of life. In others, his faithfulness was proven by his comfort even in death. But in all, we have seen that he is […]

  2. August 10, 2017

    […] families in our church. In some stories, God’s faithfulness was shown in the sparing of life. In others, his faithfulness was proven by his comfort even in death. But in all, we have seen that he is […]

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