Turn Your Leaders Loose

One of my First Impressions shift leaders snapped this picture on Sunday and sent it to me. He was impressed. I was beyond impressed. I think you will be too:
This is a diagram that was designed by our 9 AM seating team leader, Maritza. (I’ve used my mad Photoshop skills to blur out last names, emails, and phone numbers, in case any of you are feeling stalkery.)
Nobody told Maritza to do this. This isn’t part of her job description. She didn’t study 55 different churches to see how they seat people and then develop this resource to match. Nope, she did it because she’s a great leader who wants to lead a great team.
And you know what? It works. We’re fitting more people into the same number of seats. Less gaps. More smiles. Less team member frustration. A better experience all around.
Control freaks like me love leaders like Maritza. She knows exactly what happens, when it happens, and how it needs to happen. Her team is literally on the same page with her. And while I don’t know all of the fine detail and thought process that went into refining this document, I know she does.
For some reason, my leaders never came up with stuff like this when I was a raging micromanager who wanted to dictate every last detail and be the guy who invented all the diagrams. I wonder why?
Maritza rocks! We clearly know our responsibilities and how to get the job done. Non leaders who are leaders in name think their people will figure it out and sometimes that happens…but their people WANT direction and clarity. Lead or get out the way!! She leads. Simply and well.
this is my DAUGHTER IN LOVE…AS WE CHRISTIANS LIKE TO BRAG ABOUT OUR TALENTED daughter in laws…..she has rescued the day many times in my life as well. WAY TO GO MARITZA…