Thursday Three For All

Engage Your Kids in Discussing Their Day. My friend Michael Kelley is a great dad. He put together this very helpful list on how to get your kids past the shoulder shrugs and Neanderthal-like grunts.

“Complete this sentence: My day would have been more exciting if…” This last one is pretty fun; the last time we asked this question we found out that 2nd grade would have been more exciting if a herd of zebras had invaded the lunch room. Indeed it would. But that led us down the road of discussing math, playground games, and other stuff.

How to Downgrade. Seth Godin has a thing or three to say about companies who are faced with changing their strategic plan.

When possible, don’t downgrade. People are way more focused on what you take away than what you give them. Many times, particularly with software, it’s pretty easy to support old (apparently useless) features that a few rabid (equals profitable, loyal and loud) customers really depend on.

First World Problems Read By Third World People. Last week I ordered a Salted Caramel Mocha at Starbucks, but they were out of salt. This kind of puts that in perspective.

No Responses

  1. Jonathan Neely says:

    You my friend Danny are an absolute trip 😀

    Jonathan Neely

    Connections Director | Daystar Church

    908 Westover Terrace | Greensboro NC 27408

    336-790-2202 | |

  2. Mom says:

    Please give me step by step instructions for sharing your blogs on my Facebook. Don’t you want to be famous??? 🙂 SO many people would have enjoyed your description of the trip to the ER with Haven, for instance. Steve and I were reading it at the same time on separate computers (reminds me of the video you linked above about First World Problems 🙁 ) and both of us were laughing hysterically.

    • Danny says:

      Connie, I’m not on The Facebook, but I have been known to hijack Merriem’s account from time to time to post stuff that is related to our family. It’s a fairly simple process…

      1. Click the title of the particular blog post you want to publicize. (Just putting in will only take you to whatever happens to be the newest post.)
      2. Copy the full web address of that post…you’ll find it in the address bar at the top.
      3. Head over to Facebook and paste it in your Update Status.
      4. It’ll give you a choice of choosing a thumbnail picture…if there is a picture on that post. Otherwise, it’ll select my default pic, which is a roll of toilet paper (you’re welcome).
      5. Hit “post” and wait on the social media kickback royalties to come pouring in!

      Thanks for spreadin’ the love!

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