Thursday Three For All

Thursday hath arrived. And with it, the terrific trio:

Seven Things a Pastor’s Kid Needs from His FatherIf anyone has the right to write this, it’s the son of the Pied Piper himself. Good stuff for Pastor Dads.

A pastor’s wife bears a great burden, but she usually enters into the ministry willingly. A pastor’s children, though, are carried on the current of their parents’ calling. It is often a life of singular struggle and uncommon needs. These struggles often stem from the failures of the father. This isn’t to cast full blame on pastors for their children’s problems. But it is to say that pastors need to work to be good dads.

Retiring Car Dealer Gives Employees $1,000 for Every Year They Worked For HimThis one’s been in my archives for a while, but it’s too good not to share. How much you wanna bet this guy was one of the greatest bosses ever, well before the big payout checks were written?

“I wanted to thank my employees and that was a way I could do it,” Cooper said of the surprise checks. “I hope it makes a difference in their lives like they have made in mine.”

Tolkien Fan Creates a Hobbit House with 2600 Balloons. I’m only a slight Tolkien fan. I’m a slightly bigger balloon art fan. But by golly, I’m a raving fan of any guy who will wear the same vest for three days straight. [via Stunt of the Day]

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  1. lfaccordini says:

    That Hobbit house was amazing! I want to be at that party at the end where they get to roll around in all the balloons!

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