Thursday Three For All

Three things that have grabbed my attention like a spider monkey grabs a toupee off a bald guy’s head, in 3…2…

Fluffo Gave Middle Tennesseans Good Night’s Sleep For 80 YearsIn the “purely personal” category, this is a business owned and operated by my Uncle Horace. I still have fond childhood memories of seeing him on Nashville’s Ralph Emory Show more mornings than I can remember. Jacob’s very first crib mattress was a customized Fluffo. This place was the real deal…I hate to see it go.

That mattress maker’s days of sending people off into dreamland are over.

“I’d love to see it go on and on, the name Fluffo, but I don’t have anybody ready to go into it with all the competition,” said Horace Bass, the company’s owner.

Bass started naming his company’s mattresses 30 years ago, The Snuggler, The Snoozer and The Fluffo, hoping it would boost sales.

From a 1980’s Kids Computer BookAmazing. This looks exactly like my iPhone.


Parrot Sees SquirrelThis sounds remarkably like my two year old.

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  1. Alistair says:

    What’s a cassette?

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