Thursday Three For All

In case your 2013 resolution involved being a new reader of a mediocre blog, welcome!

You may not know that every Thursday, I dial things back a bit and share some content that I’ve been enjoying over the last few days or weeks. Three links. Three sources. Three more ways to waste your day in a good way.

Remember, campers: click on the bold print to go to the original.

Abandoned Detroit High School, Then and Almost NowEerie. Freaky. History.

A couple years ago, the folks at Detroiturbex spent time photographing every room in the old Lewis Cass Technical High School building in Detroit, which was abandoned after a 2007 fire. Then they superimposed onto those pictures photographs taken when the school was in use.

This is the Best of Lifehacker 2012I love me some Lifehacker. And although I haven’t even scratched the surface of this “best of” list, you’re sure to find some gems. Enjoy.

As we get ready to jump into 2013, we’ve spent the last month looking back at our best posts of 2012. Here’s one last look back at this year in Lifehacker in case you missed anything along the way.

Life Comes At You Fast. (via Stunt of the Day)


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