Thursday Three For All

Here it is, kiddies, the long awaited Thursday Three For All, Valentine’s Day edition. (You’ve been long awaiting right?)

Mystery Surrounds Missing World War II Love Letters

Reading one out loud, Marian’s voice broke. The emotion was raw, as if she was reading the letter for the first time and still waiting and worrying for a husband in harm’s way.

“They’re pretty difficult for us to read. It just brings back all the agony, and the worry, and the concern,” she said.

Though some letters were serious, others were playful. The Michaels poked gentle fun at themselves and each other, and imagined what they were going to do when the war was over.

Child’s Accidentally Ominous Valentine. (HT 22 Words)


Ikea’s Post-Valentine’s Day Giveaway. “Free” is still too high a price for furniture I have to put together. (HT Stunt of the Day)


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