Play With Your Team

Sometimes we get so caught up in the constant barrage of ministry that we forget to pull back and have fun with the people we do ministry with.

One of the sure-fire ways to push a team to the limit and make sure you’re barreling towards burnout is to never take time to celebrate each other.

A couple of weeks ago our staff got away for a couple of days to simply rest. That doesn’t sound very spiritual, but perhaps it’s the most spiritual thing we could have done with and for each other. We hung out together, ate together, played Minute to Win It together, and laughed together. It’s not that I didn’t like our staff before the retreat, it’s just that I like them all a lot better now. And in turn, I like the task that’s ahead a lot better, too.

One of our Saturday night First Impressions teams goes out to dinner together after they finish serving. Every. Saturday. Night. There’s probably not a team at our church that’s much tighter than that one. We have teams that’ll take in a Durham Bulls game together, teams that catch the latest movies together, and teams that simply gather together to enjoy each other’s families.

Ministry is high-stakes enough without adding a level of 24 hour grim-faced seriousness to it. Trust me, those who laugh together typically last together.

How can you play with your team today?


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