Thursday Three For All: Visual Edition

Feeling lazy? You’re in luck. I’m not even going to make you do the heavy lifting of reading this week. You’re welcome.

(Remember, click on the bold print to see the original video.)

It’s called a lilac chaser(via Kem Meyer) Mind. Blown. This must’ve been what it was like to live in the 60’s. (Follow the link to get the instructions.)


Power-tripping preacher rebukes the video guy for having a bad attitude. (via TwentyTwo Words) Dang. This guy wasn’t paying attention in the “How to Win Friends and Influence People” workshop.


A couple’s quintessential conversation about dinner(via TwentyTwo Words) This is a great follow up to It’s Not About The Nail.

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  1. TC says:

    I’m afraid to know what Dr. Jim’s message is for the restroom cleaners! 🙂

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