Lemonade for the Least of These

My friends, what you’re about to read is going to make you put down your electronic device and thank Jesus for the next generation.
I am incredibly excited to be on the Lemonade for the Least of These bandwagon. This project was conceived, fleshed out, meticulously planned, and is about to be executed by my friend Ava Forrest. Her goal is to bring attention to the plight of the fatherless and raise funds for an Ethiopian orphanage through something as simple and iconic as a lemonade stand. Ava is an inspiring entrepreneur, a tireless businesswoman, and a passionate visionary who is doing whatever it takes to see a world with one less orphan.
Oh, and I guess now is a good time to mention that she’s nine years old.
You read that right: a kid who hasn’t mastered elementary school is already following the mandate of James 1:27. Ava is running circles around most of us in the evangelical world, taking our good intentions and actually acting on them.
Her recent history gives her good reason to be passionate: three years ago Ava gained a new little brother through adoption. Judah is a child we prayed for and begged God for. He was a child that Ava, her other brother Marshall, and her parents James and Julie fought for. And now, he has a forever family and Ava has a vision for more.
Last summer Ava and her mom had the chance to visit Hannah’s Hope, the orphanage that Judah once called home. That trip planted a seed of an idea: what if she could raise a few dollars in order to purchase some much-needed supplies for kids at the orphanage?
So Ava did what most of us are too lazy / scared / apathetic to do. She took action. She enlisted a friend to design a logo. She put her mom to work creating a website. And to date, she has hundreds of kids in multiple states planning to set up lemonade stands this weekend.
Here’s my ask: I want you involved. If you have kids, I want you to encourage them to run a stand. If you have money (five cents or five hundred bucks), I want you to donate to the cause. If you’re a believer, I want you to pray for this effort. If you’re on Twitter or Facebook or Instagram or whatever, I want you to promote the bejeezers out of this thing. Because at the end of the day this isn’t simply about helping a third grader see a dream come to life (although that’s awesome, too). It’s about taking a practical step to care for the fatherless.
I’m thankful for you, Ava. You’re a hero and an example to all of us. Thank you for loving the least of these.
One of my favorite posts ever! Go Ava Forrest!
I started babysitting Ava at five months old. At that time, she was connected to Julie at the hip and wanted nothing to do with Miss Pam. Through persistence and pure love, we have become great friends. I know from experience that whatever this sweet girl puts her mind to can happen. I can’t wait to have some lemonade on Saturday!
Love this blog post! Wonderfully written! We had a stand here in Dallas, Texas and raised $50 for Ava’s cause! She is such an inspiration!!!