You Do What You Do

Think about the things that end up on your to do list every day: there are emails to answer, phone calls to return, a hundred little tasks that compete for your attention, and probably a half dozen major projects that need your focus.
Out of all of those things, what’s on the list that only you can do? What are the things that most need your brain, your vision, your passion, influence, and direction?
For years I’ve struggled with trying to do it all…doing things that I’m not great at, but doing them anyway because I’m s’posed to. Thankfully, God has surrounded me with a great team who know when I’m operating out of my zone. I have an administrative assistant who is gutsy enough to say, “You stink at that. Let me handle it.”
And because people on my team do what they do, they free me to do what I do.
So what’s on your to do list that you don’t need to do?
And what’s on the “do what only you can do” list?
When you figure that out, you begin to operate out of the giftings that God has given you. Crank up your “you do” list today.
For more on this subject, read the helpful and handy little book The Next Generation Leader by Andy Stanley.
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