Act Like They’re Paying You $1,000.

Last week my wife was checking out at a local grocery store. While the lady in front of her was wrapping up her transaction and Merriem was starting to unload her cart, she overheard the cashier – a young guy in his 20’s – strike up a conversation with his current customer. He had noticed her Chick-fil-A cup that she was carrying, and proceeded to wax philosophical on his feelings about the chicken chain:
“Yeah, the food is good. But their employees really get on my nerves. They take their jobs so seriously…they act like they’re paying them a thousand bucks just to show up for work!”
Now, full disclosure: I’m a big fan of Chick-fil-A. I’m a way-too-frequent sight in their drive through. I can win a combo number quiz like nobody’s business. My two oldest sons are employees, and Dan Cathy probably has a guest room named in my honor. (Or at least he should.)
And Merriem feels the same way. So when she heard grocery guy chiding our chicken, it ruffled her feathers. She had a few things she wanted to say, but she held her tongue and let the conversation play out. And when it was all said and done, our antagonist was no fonder of waffle fries than when he started.
But it sparked a conversation in our house later that night: Why was his observation a bad thing? Why is it a negative for someone to take their job seriously and act like they were paid $1,000 just for walking in the door? That mindset sets those employees apart. It causes them to enjoy the task at hand. And whether they’re pulling minimum wage or bringing on the Bennies, it seems that acting like you’re being paid a royal ransom might just cause you to…well…treat people like royalty.
Maybe you’re a volunteer at your church. Maybe you get paid by the hour at your part time job. It could be that you’re a desk jockey, but think your salary could be better and your benefits could be plusher. Why not raise the stakes by pretending you’re paid far more than what you really are? It could make the difference to your boss, your customers, and your attitude.
Act like they’re paying you a thousand bucks. It’ll make you feel like a million bucks.
Okay, but… I hate to speak against Christian Chicken but I have felt this about a few employees before as well. Is there something about authenticity that is lacking here? Is the culture too forced? This person could have just had a chip on their shoulder but I have had that thought about a few Chick-fli-a employees.
:/ Not Jacob though.
Mr. ILM, I’d like to give you your job back so I can fire you. You, sir, are a communist.