Thursday Three For All

It’s Thursday, kiddies: the day when I roll out a few things I’ve been reading over the past week. Three of ‘em, to be exact. Enjoy. (Remember: click on the bold print to read the entire article.)


Six Ways We Ignore Unchurched Guests on Easter. (via @ryanstigile) Easter is almost here. Before you whip out the lilies for the altar, consider a few things you might have overlooked.

4) Failing to Answer Their Most Critical Questions

We can no longer assume that everyone attending on Easter is there to celebrate the Resurrection. Many unchurched guests are simply searching for truth.

For someone without faith, the Gospel will sound unbelievable; maybe even downright crazy. You can help them step forward by anticipating and addressing the questions they are asking.


Walk the Park for a Fresh Perspective. (via @robertvadams) While you’re meditating on that previous post, how about “walking the park” (i.e., your facility) and see what your guests will see?

[Walt Disney’s] strategy of walking the park dates back to the construction of Disneyland. He regularly visited the construction site to assess the proportion or size of buildings. A common site was Walt squatting down and then looking up at a building from a lower angle. His determination to view the storefronts and buildings from the vantage point of children ensured that the needs of this large population of guests – an often overlooked but very influential group – were addressed.


Baboon Gets His Mind Blown by Disappearing Card Trick. (via @premiumfunny) Y’all know I love a good monkey video.


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