Thursday Three For All

It’s Thursday, kiddies: the day when I roll out a few things I’ve been reading over the past week. Three of ‘em, to be exact. Enjoy. (Remember: click on the big bold print to read the entire article.)
5 Responses to Critiques
(via @briandodridge) Personal aside for a moment: I finally met Brian in person last week. His blog is a treasure trove of leadership gold, and you should subscribe. This post is particularly helpful in guiding us to healthy responses when people lick the red off our candy.
I like to read leadership books. What I don’t like is reading about myself in a book and it not being a compliment.
I guess I had delusions of grandeur that if I were to be mentioned in a top shelf leadership book, it would be for some sort of example where I’d been part of something good. But that’s not how it unfolded.
While reading the latest book of an author whose ideas and teachings I respect, I came across an anecdote about a meeting the author had with an executive pastor. As I read further, it became clear to me that he was sharing about an actual exchange he and I had on a previous occasion. The details he recalled (which were a pretty close rendering of the actual conversation) didn’t show me or my leadership in the best light.
What do you do when you read or hear feedback about yourself that’s negative?
Here’s the Best Day and Time to Hold a Meeting
(via @qz) Take this one or leave it. I usually find that most of our office meetings are scheduled for the morning hours, though I much prefer the heads-down-before-lunch approach to be the best use of my creative, git-er-done juices.
Meetings are a ubiquitous feature of office life, much disparaged yet still indispensable for most organizations. But given how much time we spend in meetings—17% of the work week, according to one survey—we rarely consider the best time to schedule them.
If you want to make sure everyone can be there, the best time to meet is…
Baby Monkey Annoys His Mom
(via @premiumfunny) It’s August at our house (I’ll bet it is at yours, too!). We are 17 days, 23 hours, and 21 minutes away from school starting back (not that anyone is counting), and I can assure you my wife identifies with this mama monkey. Maranatha.