Who Can I Add To The Circle?

If you’re a volunteer or a leader of volunteers, this question has to be your refrain.

You can’t do it all, and you shouldn’t try.

You should constantly seek to replace yourself.

Your knowledge and experience shouldn’t live and die within your own soul.

Leith Anderson and Jill Fox say it like this:

Don’t just think of yourself, doing it all alone. Ask yourself: Who can I add to the circle so we can do more? I know this idea can seem overwhelming when you don’t have very many people to begin with. But even adding one more person to a team can make a huge difference. So as you are volunteering, look around and ask yourself who else might want to be part of what God is doing.[ref]Anderson and Fox, Volunteering: A Guide to Serving in the Body of Christ. (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2015), 52.[/ref]

In life, in ministry, in leadership, we short-change others when we don’t raise up others.

Who can you add to your circle today?


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