Thursday Three For All: Multisite Kid Engagement, Leadership Helps, and Joke Returns

It’s Thursday, kiddies: the day when I roll out a few things I’ve been reading over the past week. Three of ‘em, to be exact. Enjoy. (Remember: click on the big bold print to read the entire article.)


How to Engage Kids in a Multisite Church

(via @tonymorganlive) Raise your hand if you’ve ever run a kids ministry in a high school biology classroom. Awkward.

Finding enough volunteers for children’s ministry is challenging in all churches. When you add the extra volunteers needed for setup and teardown, it is critical to take the extra time and expense to design setup/teardown solutions that are volunteer centric – designed to maximize BOTH the volunteer and participant experience. Churches that plan ahead and engage portability experts when designing their portable children’s ministry have better success and don’t wear out the volunteers as quickly as churches that do it on their own.


3 Rules for “Not Helping” Like a Leader

(via @leadershipfreak) What would you add to this list?

#1. Don’t fix the mistakes of capable team members.

The operative word is capable. Everyone screws up, unless they always color within in the lines.

If you assigned responsibility that was beyond capability, shame on you. Fix it and move on. If they’re capable, expect them to fix it.


Conan O’Brien Tries to Return a Bombed Joke

(via @premiumfunny) Oh, how I wish this were a real thing.


photo credit: Jason Mathis

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