Thursday Three For All: Weekend Misses, Sheep-Stealing, and Cow Serenades

It’s Thursday, kiddies: the day when I roll out a few things I’ve been reading over the past week. Three of ‘em, to be exact. Enjoy. (Remember: click on the big bold print to read the entire article.)


10 Weekend “Misses” for Churches That Want to Reach New People

(via @tonymorganlive) A really good reminder to all of us…stop and think.

4. The service order feels like an assembly of separate parts, rather than a cohesive experience.

Stop…start…stop…start… Nothing makes me check my watch more than a herky-jerky service. We sing two songs, there’s a video announcement, there are live announcements, we have a song for offering, message, song, communion, closing announcement, benediction… An unchurched person will be thinking, “Get me out. Land the plane.”


What About Those Sheep-Stealing Megachurches?

(via @KarlVaters) I so appreciate Karl’s wisdom and humility in this piece. Speaking as a guy on staff at a megachurch, the “know who you are” theme is important, no matter our size.

Small churches and big churches are not in competition with each other. At least we shouldn’t be. But it’s hard not to feel something like that when thousands of people drive past our church doors every weekend to go to a bigger church.

It’s even worse when we regularly see people leave our congregation to go to the nearby megachurch because they offer programs that our small church is 100 to 1,000 sizes away from being able to offer.


Little Girl Serenades Cows with Accordion Music

(via @twitter) This is the video you didn’t know you needed to see.


photo credit: Jason Mathis

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