Thursday Three For All: Changing Your Church, Runway Lessons, and Hidden Valley Ranch

It’s Thursday, kiddies: the day when I roll out a few things I’ve been reading over the past week. Three of ‘em, to be exact. Enjoy. (Remember: click on the big bold print to read the entire article.)
Should I Start a Grassroots Movement to Change My Church?
(via @revkevdeyoung) Change is not a bad thing. But it can be if your vision and the church’s vision aren’t aligned. Kevin gives some helpful counsel on knowing how to proceed.
At a recent conference the three of us on the panel (all pastors) were asked the question, “As a layperson, should I start a grassroots movement to change my church?” All three of us basically said, “No.” Following the conference I got a long and heated email from someone who was very upset with my answer. He thought I was guilty of clericalism and gave no place for the laity to know anything, do anything, or ever question the pastor. That was certainly not what I said, nor, so far as I can tell, what most people thought we were communicating. But his concerns got my blogging juices flowing. The initial question about forming a grassroots movement to change a local church is one I’ve gotten in one form or another several times in the past five years. So perhaps it would be helpful to spell out my answer in a little more detail.
What I’ve Learned on the Runway
(via @jeremylottdiary) Travel season is upon us. Here’s how not to make the people behind you wait (not that I’ve ever done that personally).
If you weren’t allowed through screening because the taxi was late and crawled through traffic; if you were forced to check luggage that the airline then lost and had to buy new clothes for that presentation; if you had to take bizarre connecting flights through airports that forced you to march through TWA’s kabuki security theater a second time; if you did any or some combination of these things, or if it sounds strangely familiar, then this is the article for you.
The Man Behind Hidden Valley Ranch
(via @greatbigstory) This man is a national treasure and should be honored as such.
photo credit: Jason Mathis