Flashback Friday: You Don’t Get To Define The Offense

Every Friday I dig into the archives and dust off an old post. If you haven’t read it, it’s new to you!
…there are plenty of things we do – intentionally or unintentionally, overt or covert – that serve as distractions at best or are patently offensive at worst. Poor signage. Misspelled lyrics. Insider language. An unsafe kids environment. No follow up plan for first time guests. Any one of those things can serve as a pebble of offense that trips up a guest and gives them the one excuse they need to never come back.
And here’s the thing about offenses: we don’t get to define them. I can look back over years of ministry and recount conversations with church attendees who were critical of ____. You name it, they could fill in the blank with it. And the entire time they were talking, the little voices inside my head were yapping, as well: “That’s the silliest thing I’ve ever heard!” the voices would say. “Who on earth gets upset over something like that?”
Read the entire original post here.