Bring Home Baby Franks.

Occasionally I’ll hijack this blog away from all things guest services and divert it to the purely personal, and today is unapologetically one of those days.

Our kids Jacob and Summer recently went public with the news that they are adopting (insert happy dance).

Read about their journey here.

Adoptions don’t come cheap…either spiritually or financially. And so, dear reader, I’m making an ask for your support in one (or way more than one) of the following:


Download or print these four prayer points, and join us in praying over the next several months.

Buy a t-shirt.

These great shirts summarize adoption – physical and spiritual – in one word.

Buy a scripture bracelet.

Handmade by Summer and customizable by you. See your options.

Eat some cookies.

Summer is a baker extraordinaire, and is offering up a half-dozen options for your winter snacking. (Local orders only, gluten-free, dairy-free, and nut-free choices available.)

Give directly.

Skip the middleman and just donate 🙂 . Venmo or CashApp options available. If you’d like an address for a check, email me.

Thank you for celebrating with us and supporting them!

Start the conversation.