When You Run Out of Time, You Run Out of Options

Whether you’re planning an event, cranking out a project, checking off your to-do list, or checking in with a long-lost friend, more time always equals more options.

Our frenetic, fast-paced, move-on-to-the-next-thing culture robs us of the opportunities for creativity, for sparks of genius, for insight.

I’ve seen this on our own team – and in my own life – over the last year or so. We put one project to bed while the other one has already woken up and is halfway down the stairs. And when that happens, our options tank.

We move from what are all the unique things we can do? to how can we just get it done?

We flip from whatever it takes to reach all people to whatever it takes to survive.

We pivot from creative, “aha!” moments to creatures of habit, just trying to get through it.

The solutions, of course, are varied: take on less. Get started earlier. Add more voices to the table. But all of those options require us to work on it before we work in it.

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